Why Us?


Here, students get to master the proposal development skills through close handholding support of world-class faculty that has actually helped Clients bag contracts worth billions of dollars from prominent Government Organisations (Niti Aayog, MoRD, MoHFW, MoPR, MoA, MoHUA, MoWR, NABARD, RBI, TRAI, JJM, etc.), reputed International Agencies (World Bank, UNDP, USAID, ADB, UNICEF, JICA, iFAD, DFID, Save the Children, etc.) and public & private business organizations.

Besides, they get to experience our power-packed training curricula which has been duly customized to suit the needs of both participants and employers. Under the same, they get exposed to our rigorous practical training regimen followed by Bidding Games to help them prepare for experiential learning in the proposal writing domain, and also to our specially designed Personality Development & Job Search Module to help them curate stable careers.


The 'BidVarsity' Advantage

 I. Extensive Practical Training : With Full Handholding Support of Trainers

>> The Need :  Our target participants are mostly the entry-level job-seekers who have only limited exposure to business development at the institutional level. As such, they need much more than awareness generation on salient features of proposal writing. In fact, they need a thorough practical training that can enable them to develop winnable proposals of varying complexities. For this, they need sustained hand-holding support from the trainers for guiding them through the sojourn of developing at first primitive proposal documents, and then gradually improving to develop more sophisticated ones across different sectors and operational domains. As per our experiences, this requirement is quite challenging, and fulfilling it may require consistent efforts over several months by any participant.

>> Major Constraints :  Unfortunately, what these job-seekers are able to get as of now is only a handful of online courses imparting theoretical knowledge on proposal development, and that too for only limited hours. In such short duration, the participants are bombarded with generalised information through back-to-back online lecture sessions causing monotony among the participants due to one-way communication. In effect, it results in making hardly any impact on enhancing the desired skills of the participants.

>> The Solution : "Practical Teaching" instead of "Theoretical Preaching"   We, being accomplished proposal developers ourselves, are fully aware of the above problem faced by the students and job-sekers. Thus, based on the this critical need, we have designed our courses in such a manner that the participants can get a thorough practical training over and above the theoretical knkowledge.

>> Key Benefits :  Some of the major benefits expected through this strategic course design are as follows:

  1. Hands-on Experience: Proposal development courses typically cover a lot of theoretical concepts and principles, but practical training provides learners with an opportunity to apply those concepts in real-world scenarios. This allows learners to gain hands-on experience and learn how to apply what they have learned in a practical setting.
  2. Improved Skills: Practical training can help learners develop and improve the skills needed for successful proposal development, such as writing, research, critical thinking, and project management. Through practice and feedback, learners can refine these skills and become more effective at developing high-quality proposals.
  3. Deeper Understanding of Processes: Proposal development involves a complex process that can be difficult to understand through theory alone. Practical training provides learners with a deeper understanding of the proposal development process by allowing them to see how it works in practice.
  4. Exposure to different Types of Proposals across different Sectors & Domains: Practical training can expose learners to different types of proposals, such as grant proposals, business proposals, and project proposals. This can help learners develop a broader understanding of proposal development and prepare them to work on a variety of proposals in the future.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Practical training often involves working with other learners and professionals in the field, providing opportunities for networking and collaboration. This can help learners build relationships and gain valuable insights from others in the field.

 II. Offline Mode : To Enhance the Effectiveness of Practical Trainings

>> Major Constraints :  In the online mode, a participant may get a hang of the various types of processes involved. However, it might just not be enough to make any major improvements in the skills-sets of such participant. This means, that such online mode of training on proposal development might critically fall short of transforming the participants into skilled Proposal Writers.

>> The Solution :  In the Offline mode, guidance may be provided at each step with full scope for free flow of information between the participant and the trainer. Moreover, feedback on any assignment being written by the participant may be provided concurrently at the writing stage itself whenver required. As a result, the participants get to learn the intricacies of proposal development in sufficient detail.

>> Major Advantages :  Some of the major advantages of offline training are:

  1. More Personal Interaction: Offline training allows for more face-to-face interaction with instructors and other learners. This can make it easier to ask questions, get feedback, and discuss ideas with others.
  2. Reduced Distractions: Offline training can help reduce the distractions that come with online learning. In a physical classroom, learners can focus on the material without worrying about notifications, email, or other digital distractions.
  3. Better Engagement: Offline training can provide a more immersive learning experience. This can help learners stay engaged with the material and retain more information over time.
  4. Hands-on Learning: Offline training can provide more opportunities for hands-on learning. For example, learners may be able to work on group projects, practice writing proposals, or engage in role-playing exercises.
  5. Increased Motivation: Offline training can help increase motivation among learners. Being in a classroom with other learners and instructors can create a sense of accountability and motivation to learn and improve.

 III. Customized Training Modules : To Fulfil Both Current and Futuristic Needs of Employers

>> Whats Special :  Our courses have been designed keeping in mind the current as well futuristic work expectations of the employers from proposal writers, coordinators, managers, etc. This gives our students the competitive advantage in finding gainful employment within their own sectoral domains.

>> Key Benefits :  Overall, our customized training materials on proposal development that are tailored to meet industry requirements offer several benefits, including::

  1. Relevance and Applicability: Customized training materials ensure that the content is relevant to the industry, making it more applicable to the participants' jobs. This means that participants are more likely to retain the information and apply it to their work, resulting in improved performance.
  2. Increased Efficiency: When participants are trained using customized materials, they learn the specific processes, procedures, and standards that are unique to their industry. This can help streamline the proposal development process, making it more efficient and effective.
  3. Improved Quality: Customized training materials can help participants understand the quality standards required for proposals in their industry. This can lead to improved quality of proposals, resulting in increased success rates.
  4. Competitive Advantage: When participants are trained using customized materials, they gain a competitive advantage over their peers who have not received the same training. This can be particularly important in industries where proposals are a key factor in winning contracts or projects.
  5. Consistency: Customized training materials ensure that all participants receive the same information, ensuring consistency in the proposal development process. This can help ensure that proposals meet the required standards and are of a consistent quality.

In summary, our customized training materials on proposal development that are tailored to meet industry requirements offer several benefits that can lead to improved performance, increased efficiency, improved quality, competitive advantage, and consistency among the participants.

 IV. Bidding Games - To Spur Experiential Learning in Competitive Environment

bidding games

>> What & How :  At the end, our participants would be required to participate in the Bidding Games. In these, the participants would compete against each other to win some given Contracts or Projects. These games would be facilitated in simulated environment wherein the participants would be exposed to the real-life experiences of bidding for contracts, thus helping them to understand the skills and strategies needed to write winning proposals.

At the start of each game, the participants would be divided into teams and given a set of rules, requirements, and a budget. Each team would then create a proposal that can meet the requirements and fit within the budget. The proposals would be then evaluated by a judge or a panel of judges, and the winning team would be awarded the contract. In this way, these Bidding Games would serve as an excellent means to prepare our participants for experiential learning in proposal writing.

Bidding games can take many forms, but they all have a few things in common. First, they require participants to work collaboratively and use their creativity and problem-solving skills to develop winning proposals. Second, they help participants understand the importance of effective communication, both in writing and in presenting their proposals. Finally, they provide participants with feedback on their proposals and help them identify areas where they need to improve.

One example of a bidding game is the "Request for Proposal" (RFP) game. In this game, participants are given a fictional RFP that outlines the requirements for a project. They must then work together to develop a proposal that meets those requirements and fits within the budget. The proposal must include a detailed description of the project, a timeline, a budget, and a team of experts who will work on the project. The judges evaluate each proposal based on its completeness, creativity, and effectiveness in meeting the requirements of the RFP.

>> Major Benefits :  Bidding games offer several benefits for participants preparing for proposal writing. Some of them are as follows:

  1. They help participants develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These skills are essential for writing successful proposals because they enable participants to identify and address potential issues and challenges that may arise during the project.
  2. They help participants understand the importance of effective communication in proposal writing. Effective communication is essential for conveying ideas clearly and persuasively, and it's a critical component of winning proposals.
  3. They provide participants with feedback on their proposals, which can help them identify areas where they need to improve.

Overall, bidding games are an effective way to prepare participants for experiential learning in proposal writing. They simulate the real-life experience of bidding for contracts and help participants develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Bidding games also provide participants with feedback on their proposals, which can help them identify areas where they need to improve. By participating in bidding games, participants can develop the skills and strategies they need to write winning proposals and succeed in their careers.

 V. Additional Module on Personality Development & Job Search

>> What :  We have inlcuded an additional module on personality development and job search facilitation for all our participants. This will provide them an excellent platform to capitalise on their learnings and grab the most lucrative opportunities available in their fields of choice.

>> Need & Relevance :  Personality development and job search facilitation are both important aspects to consider during training on proposal development.

  • Personality development is important because it can help individuals improve their communication skills, work effectively in teams, and manage stress and conflicts. These are all crucial skills for proposal development as it requires collaboration and coordination with team members, as well as the ability to present ideas clearly and confidently.
  • Additionally, personality development can help individuals build their self-confidence, which is particularly important during job interviews and when networking with potential employers. A confident individual is more likely to be successful in a job search and to land a job that is well-suited to their skills and interests.
  • Job search facilitation is also an important component of training on proposal development. While the training may focus primarily on developing the technical skills needed for proposal development, it is important to also provide resources and guidance for job searching. This can include workshops on resume writing, interview preparation, and networking strategies.
  • By including job search facilitation in the training, individuals can feel more confident in their ability to secure employment after the training is completed. Additionally, it can help organizations retain talent by providing individuals with the support they need to find fulfilling job opportunities.

 VI. Highly Accomplished Trainers: Developed Thousands of Award winning Proposals worth Billions of Dollars!

  • NABARD All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey (NAFIS) ($0.35 Million)
  • Country-wide Evaluation of Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY), for MUDRA Ltd., Govt. of India ($2.0 Million)
  • Jal Jeevan Sarvekshan in India, for Dept. of Drinking Water & Sanitation (DDWS), GoI ($5.0 Million)
  • National Family Health Survey (NFHS-VI) in 1 state for IIPS, MoHFW ($1.3 Million)
  • National Family Health Survey (NFHS-V) in 2 zones for IIPS, MoHFW ($1.5 Million)
  • National Family Health Survey (NFHS-IV) in 3 states for IIPS, MoHFW ($1.5 Million)
  • Annual Health Survey (AHS 2010-12) in multiple states for MHA, GoI ($3.0 Million)
  • Clinical Anthropometric & Biochemical (CAB) Survey under AHS in 3 states for MHA, GoI ($1.0 Million)
  • Baseline Survey under Sample Registration System (SRS 2014) in 7 states
  • Longitudinal Ageing Study of India (LASI) in 3 States for IIPS, MoHFW ($1.0 Million)
  • District Level Household Survey (DLHS-4) in 2 States for IIPS, MoHFW ($0.4 Million)
  • Rapid Survey on Children (RSoC) in 9 States for UNICEF
  • Entrepreneurship development in the Holy City of Varanasi, for NIESBUD
  • Baseline study of Tibetan Community in-exile in India and Nepal for USAID
  • Consumer Tariff Survey with telecom subscribers in India for TRAI
  • Impact Assessment of RBI’s “Pilot CFL Project” for Financial Literacy in 9 states
  • Independent Verification of Results under World Bank-funded Chhattisgarh Public Financial Mgt. & Accountability Project
  • Regular (5Yrs) M&E of Odisha Integrated Irrigation Proj. for Climate Resilient Agriculture (OIPCRA)
  • Impact assessment of Prakritik Kheti Khushhal Kisan Yojana (PK3Y) in H.P.
  • Baseline study for H.P. Crop Diversification Promotion Project (HPCDPP)-II
  • Terminal Impact Assessment of the JICA-ODA funded HPCDPP-I
  • Establishment & Capacity Building of WUAs under H.P. Subtropical Horticulture, Irrigation and Value Addition Readiness Project (HP-SHIVA) for ADB
  • Evaluation of Community Lift Irrigation Scheme (CLIS) under BKVY for Finance Dept., Govt. of Odisha
  • Impact Assessment of Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) across 10 States of India
  • Empanelment as Implementation Support Agency (ISA) for facilitating DWSM in Implementing Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) in 4 districts of Chhattisgarh
  • Baseline Data Collection for the DCM Shriram Consolidated Limited (DSCL) OLAM Project in India for World Bank
  • Impact Evaluation of National Horticulture Board (NHB) for Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India
  • Evaluation of Micro Irrigation Scheme in 10 States for Planning Commission, GoI
  • Baseline Survey for JICA funded Andhra Pradesh Irrigation and Livelihood Improvement Project (APILIP) - Phase II
  • Evaluation of Fodder Bank Dev. Scheme in Uttarakhand for State Planning Commission
  • Technical Consultancy to SWRPD, Govt. of Rajasthan for implementing IWRM Projects
  • Evaluation of Rajasthan Water Sector Restructuring Project (RWSRP)
  • Rapid Assessment of Per-Drop-More-Crop component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) in Odisha
  • Impact Assessment of Component-D activities under U.P. Water Sector Restructuring Project (UPWSRP-II)
  • M&E study of Mukhyamantri Gram BPL Awas Yojana (MGBPLAY) in Rajasthan for HUDCO
  • Evaluation of MNREGS for MoRD
  • Baseline Survey of Haryana State Rural Livelihood Mission (HSRLM)
  • Baseline-cum-panel study under NRLP for Odisha Livelihood Mission (OLM)
  • Midline Evaluation of Bihar Transformative Development Project for Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (JEEViKA)
  • Baseline study of BTDP for JEEViKA-Bihar
  • Adoption of Gender Friendly tools by women farmers in India, for Ministry of Agriculture & Cooperation, Govt. of India
  • Data Verification & Updation of WSHGs in U.P. under Swaayam Project of UNDP
  • Survey of On-site Sanitation Systems in all households of Rishikesh City for GIZ
  • Healthy Home Survey (HHS) under the WB supported Uttarakhand Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Project (UKRWSSP)
  • Impact Assessment of all Central & State Govt. Schemes in Agri & allied sectors to strategize for doubling of farmers’ income in Uttarakhand, for UNDP
  • Midline Survey for Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Campaign in Rural Punjab for the World Bank
  • Evaluation of Regional Water Supply Schemes during their design period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) in India
  • Process Monitoring of WB-supported Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Project (Neer Nirmal Pariyojana ‘NNP’) in U.P.
  • Baseline Survey (Batch-2 GPs) for World Bank-supported Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Project (NNP) in U.P.
  • Impact Assessment of Multimedia Campaigns of the World Bank-funded State Water Resources Planning Dept. (SWRPD), Govt. of Rajasthan
  • Desk Appraisal of National Ambulance Scheme (NAS-102) & Samajwadi Swasthya Sewa (SSS-108) for SIFPSA, Govt. of U.P.
  • Process Monit. of NAS-102 and SSS-108 in all 75 dists. of U.P. for SIFPSA, GoUP
  • Impact Assessment of Social Franchising Programme “MerryGold Health Network” seeking to increase Access to Pvt. Healthcare Facilities in U.P. for SIFPSA
  • On-spot monitoring, assessment and documentation of IEC campaign "Chalo Gaon Ki Ore Lekar Apna Hausla" for gender equity in U.P. for SIFPSA, GoUP
  • Training of AWWs in 16 Polio High Risk Blocks of U.P. for UNICEF
  • Establishing Bio-metric Centers for UID Enrolments for ITI Palakkad
  • Baseline study in Mayurbhanj dist. Of Odisha for Heifer International
  • Baseline Survey for Social Accountability Intervention under UPHSSP in U.P.
  • Baseline, Midline and Endline Evaluation of Gali Gali Sim Sim Intervention for Pre-school Education in Uttarakhand for IDRC
  • Country-wide Evaluation Study of National Talent Search Scheme (NTS)
  • Mid-line Assessment of the Performance of Elementary School Teachers in Maths and English subjects in Bihar
  • Study of Enrolment Trends & Patterns in Elementary Level Govt. & Private Schools of U.P. for SIEMAT, Govt. of U.P.
  • Sample Verification study of Annual Household Survey, 2013-14 across 5 districts of U.P. for SIEMAT, GoUP
  • Baseline study of Mint Value Chain in Barabanki and Lucknow dists. for GiZ
  • Training Needs Assessment and Development of Training Strategy For DWCDSS/JWDS Staff in Jharkhand
  • Assessment of status of De-notified & Nomadic Tribes in Central Zone, for Ministry of Social Justice & Emp., GoI
  • Management & Operation of Bhadohi Carpet Expo Mart, on behalf of Carpet Export Promotion Council (CEPC), GoI, for Directorate of Industries, GoUP
  • Training Needs Assessment of Staff of Department of Medical Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Uttarakhand
  • Independent Monitoring and Verification Agency (IMVA) under the World Bank supported UKHFWS, Dept. of Medical Health & Family Welfare, GoUK
  • Concurrent Monitoring of Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC-2011) for Ministry of Rural Dev. (MoRD)
  • Impact Assessment of Odisha Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups Empowerment & Livelihoods Improvement Programme (OPELIP) in Odisha
  • Countrywide Evaluation Study of Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) for Dept. of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, MoSJ&E, GoI
  • Countrywide Evaluation of Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase / Fitting of Aids / Appliances (ADIP Scheme)
  • Study of Denotified & Nomadic Tribes in Central Zone to strengthen their case for inclusion among reserved categories, for NCDNT, MoSJ&E, GoI
  • Development of Training Modules & Kits for capacity building of District Program Managers of ICDS under SABLA Scheme
  • Baseline Survey of Vegetable Crop Value Chain under Bihar State Vegetable Processing & Marketing Scheme
  • Baseline Study under ‘Vision Healthy India: Fight against Silent Emergency’ in Delhi for Save the Children
  • Assessment of Maternal, Newborn, Child Health & Nutrition (MNCHN) Status in 3 States for Save the Children
  • In-depth situational analysis of Maternal & Newborn Health (MNH) services among urban poor in Bhubaneswar City for Save the Children
  • Tracer study of ITI passouts in H.P.
  • Tourism Survey in Uttar Pradesh
  • Independent Process Monitoring of National De-worming Day (NDD) across 2 Annual Rounds (2016-19) in 3 States for Evidence Action
  • Census of Powerloom Weavers & Pre-loom Workers in Karnataka
  • 4th Nationwide Census of Handlooms and Handloom weavers in India ($3.0 Million)
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Documentation (MELD) under PMKSY- Watershed Dev. in 30 dists. of Karnataka
  • MELD under Batch-III & IV Projects of PMKSY-Watershed Development, in all 4 Divisions of Karnataka
  • MELD for IWMP Projects in West Bengal for West Bengal State Watershed Development Agency (WBSWDA, GoWB)
  • Proposal for Empanelment with CEPC for testing of candidates trained under the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program of GoI across 5 states
  • Baseline Assessment of Riverine/ Chars Areas of River Brahmaputra and Creation of Village Resource Database in Assam with GIS interface for UNDP
  • Surveillance of child labour in carpet looms across major clusters for CEPC
  • Registration of handlooms across major carpet clusters in India, for CEPC
  • Baseline Study of the Socio-economic Status of fishermen across 42 villages from 5 coastal districts of Tamil Nadu
  • Road Users Satisfaction Survey (RUSS) for World Bank-sponsored U.P. Core Road Network Development Project for UPPWD
  • Mid-Term Review of UK State Water & Sanitation Mission for Peri-urban areas
  • Study of Domestic Water & Sanitation Service Levels for Kerala Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Agency (Jalanidhi-II)
  • Assessment of Hand-washing Practices in 4 States for Save the Children
  • Facilitating PRA activities with Mint Farmers in Barabanki & Lucknow for GiZ
  • Farmers' Indebtedness Survey in M.P. for Directorate of Farmer Welfare & Agricultural Development, Govt. of M.P.
  • External Monitoring of Vitamin-A Supplementation Rounds in Chhattisgarh, M.P. and U.P. for Nutrition International
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Survey in 3 States for Save the Children
  • Developing Social Confidence Index to assess the confidence of NPOs on key aspects of India’s Social Sector, for Ashoka University
  • Mid Term Review of Uttarakhand Water Supply Program for Peri Urban Areas
  • Evaluation of Mahila Dairy Scheme in Uttarakhand, for State Planning Commission, Govt. of UK
  • Community Mobilization and behaviour change project of PHFI utilising SHG platform for reducing NMR and improving family health behaviours
  • Training of Uddeepikas in Bihar for BTAST
  • 2-day Orientation Training of ICDS Supervisors in Bihar for BTAST
  • Mapping of Health Facilities in Agra & Meerut for Micro Nutrient Initiative
  • Bhamashah Enrolment of usual residents in the State of Rajasthan, for Punjab National Bank (PNB)
  • Formative Research on Sanitation status in Bihar under Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) for NRMC India
  • Baseline Survey under Rajasthan Rural Livelihood Project (RRLP)
  • National Level Monitoring (NLM) of the rural development programmes of Govt. of India, for MoRD, GoI
  • Impact Evaluation of Women’s Empowerment & Livelihoods Prog. (Priyadarshini) among 1.08 lakh identified households in U.P. & Bihar for NABARD
  • Country-wide Evaluation Study of Janshree Bima Yojana (JBY) for KVIC, Govt. of India
  • Endline Survey of MCH Indicators and Health Insurance Coverage in Delhi Slums, under Mission Convergence Program, for USAID & Abt Inc.
  • Survey of Local Health Traditions (LHT) in India, for North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Arunachal Pradesh, under Min. of AYUSH-GoI
  • Assessing KAP of HHs on 4 Key Health & Hygiene Behaviours via Most Significant Change (MSC) Technique in Lalitpur dist. in 2011 (Phase-IV)
  • Evaluation of Ashram Schools in Andhra Pradesh
  • Collection & Transportation of Biological Samples under Networks for Optimized Diagnosis to END-TB (NODE) (under NTEP, MoHFW) for FIND in Uttarahand
  • Conducting training for newly appointed Elected PRI members of all Gram Panchayats in 2 districts of U.P. under BRGF
  • Mid-term Assessment of Social Marketing Orgs. (SMOs) under Condom Social Marketing Programme (CSMP) in 11 States/UTs for Dept. of AIDS Control
  • Data Quality Audit for projects undertaken by ‘Save the Children’ in 5 thematic areas across 4 States.
  • Country-wide Evaluation Study of National Program for Control of Blindness (NPCB) in India for Min. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India
  • M&E of Resettlement & Rehabilitation Program under Vishnugad Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Project in Chamoli, Uttarakhand, for THDC India Ltd.
  • Impact Evaluation of MPLAD Scheme in Punjab for Dept. of Rural Dev., Govt. of Punjab
  • Impact Evaluation of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) in M.P. for M.P. Rural Road Development Authority, Govt. of M.P.
  • Capacity Building & Mobilization of WUAs members under Rajasthan Minor Irrigation Improvement Projects (RajaMIIP) in 26 dists. of Rajasthan
  • Country-wide Evaluation of Community Radio Stations (CRS) in India, for Min. of Information & Broadcasting, GoI
  • Concurrent monitoring & Evaluation of Women Empowerment Schemes for two continuous bi-annual rounds in Uttarakhand, for DWECD, Govt. of UK
  • Conducting Project Baseline and M&E of Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project (APART), for ARIAS Society, Govt. of Assam
  • Baseline study of Immunization cold chain network for scaling-up of Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network (eVIN) in West Bengal for UNDP
  • Annual Assessment of the Performance of all 3,229 GPs in West Bengal during 2019-20
  • Preparation & implementation of Resettlement Plan for raising & puccikaran of Right Kamla Balan Embankment (km 23.2-64.0) in Jhanjharpur, Bihar
  • Verification of Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) under "Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation Project in A.P. for The World Bank
  • .... and the list continues....